art power….

Just read this article on working conditions of London maids and in the context of a day off after three days of teaching drawing and a conversation about prospective dissertation methods, I found Barbara Pokryszka’s art in it so powerful.   Part of the conversation about dissertations was about the importance of including our own stories and, for me, using different modalities.  As in Nick Sousanis’ Unflattening – a book I keep wanting to take on a wild weekend to a cabin by the sea! And he’s teaching a class in Calgary.  *SIGH* And all of it is caught up … Continue reading art power….

Collaging in the gifts… ka-pow!

Every once in a while someone shows up to a workshop with something gorgeous and I love figuring out how we might incorporate it into our work…  In this case, Matteo, age 8, sent this beautiful drawing of a clone* to help alleviate our fears of drawing in our person centred planning as it might apply to employment workshop.  Oh if we could only all of us draw clones this good!  I really liked how it worked for our “flow of the day” poster. Thanks Matteo!  Your drawing made our day! *this entry altered to correct certain important details.  It’s a clone, … Continue reading Collaging in the gifts… ka-pow!

Oblique Strategies

I was fascinated to hear about Brian Eno’s Oblique Strategies cards, which I hadn’t known about before.  So then of course I really wanted some… but the first edition ones were about $1,500 and the latest edition seemed to be a while ago and they were pretty much $100++  on eBay. So then I thought to google Oblique Strategies cards pdf and found these DIY cards – not sure who the blog owner is but they’re searchable publicly so… Oh and then I found the free iPad app…. have at ‘er oh differently thinking people… Continue reading Oblique Strategies